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Notepad++ How to paste string across multiple lines



Alt+Shift+DownKey to box-select beginning of each string followed by Ctrl+V pastes only on the first line.

Expected behavior: paste my string on all selected lines.

Using Notepad++ v5.9

like image 765
Dejan Avatar asked May 31 '13 21:05


People also ask

How do I split a string into multiple lines in Notepad++?

Now, the trick of changing the window width, then selecting Split Lines (Ctrl-I) works just as well.

2 Answers

1) Mark

2) Push Alt+c to open Column editor

3) Enter text there


As commented by @chapo it now works fine with Alt-Shift-Down and then pasting.

like image 125
Daniel Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09


Can you select your column with Alt+Shift+Down, type in a single unique character then use Search+Replace to get your text inserted the way you want?

like image 28
JSR Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09