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Notepad++ showing null values after crash



I was editing a files in Notepad++ which I saved. Unfortunately I did not close Notepad++ application and PC was powered down due to out of battery. When the power was back on, I opened my file and found only 'nul' 'nul' 'nul' 'nul' 'nul' all over doc.This was a text file i was working on saving xml code in it. However my file is of size 300kb. And the size of 'nul's added is to the same size as the previous length of the document. I tried everything there is no cache copy of this saved also by notepad++, is there any way to fix this?

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NoviceMe Avatar asked Mar 02 '15 18:03


1 Answers

Install Recuva. In Recuva Wizard select the folder where the corrupted file is. When it first searches for files, it finds only deleted ones. When the search is over, press "Switch to advanced mode", then "Options". Go to Actions tab, select "Scan for non-deleted files", press OK. Then press "Scan". If you are lucky, you will see your file in the list and will be able to recover it.

Hope it helps. I recovered a style.css file this way.

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Ken Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 08:11
