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Notepad++ always in multi instance

I need Notepad++ running in multiple instance mode without "-multiInst" parameter. I can't use .lnk shortcuts, I can't use cmd.exe /c notepad++.exe -multiInst, is there another way?

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SchurigH Avatar asked Feb 17 '11 11:02


People also ask

Can I open 2 instances of Notepad++?

If you want to open multiple instance of Notepad++, you can press keys ALT + F6 on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can use the menu Run > Open file in new instance.

How do I open Notepad operating system in separate windows?

To split the Notepad++ window into two sub-windows, right-click on an open tab, then click “Move to Other View” or “Clone to Other View”. Right-click on an open tab, then click “Move to Other View” or “Clone to Other View”.

How do I enable move to a new instance in Notepad++?

Press Alt + F6 to create a new instance. Drag the wanted tab into the new instance with the mouse.

1 Answers

The only way I can think of doing this would be using a wrapper. Create a file called "np++.bat" with the following content:

"C:\Program Files\Notepad++\Notepad++" -multiInst %1

Put it somewhere in your PATH. You can then invoke it as:

np++.bat file.txt
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qbert220 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
