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No "beq" or "bne" instruction in ARMv7-M manual?

I'm working on a STM32l475 micro-controller which runs a Cortex-M4 processor and ARM/Thumb instruction sets. I see (from objdump) that there are beq.n and bne.n instructions generated in the binary of an ARM program (I added the -mthumb flag when compile the program). However, I don't find these branch instructions in the latest ARMv7-M manual.

Can anyone tell me the reason? And what are the instructions available in the manual that are equivalent to these two branch instructions?

like image 201
Jay Avatar asked Mar 25 '19 14:03


1 Answers

beq and bne are conditional branches; in other words, they are conditional versions of the unconditional branch b. eq and ne are two different condition codes; they are described in section A7.3. beq means branch if equal and bne means branch if not equal.

The b branch instruction has two different encodings in Thumb mode. The encoding you're seeing is probably encoding T1 described in section A7.7.12:

B<c> <label>

15 14 13 12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
 1  1  0  1 [-<cond>--] [--------imm8---------] 

In this encoding, the condition code (like eq or ne) is encoded directly into the instruction, in bits 8-11. The disassembly from objdump displays the condition code in place of <c> above. So using the condition code table in section A7.3, you would encode beq as 11010000[imm8].

like image 154
Jeff Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10
