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How to specify an individual register as constraint in ARM GCC inline assembly?

in x86 inline assembly i can write something like this:

asm ("cpuid"
            : "=a" (_eax),
              "=b" (_ebx),
              "=c" (_ecx),
              "=d" (_edx)
            : "a" (op));

so in the matchin constraints instead of just writing "=r" and let the compiler chose the register, I can say which particular register i want to use (=a for example to use %eax)

how can I do this for ARM assembly? the ARM GCC assembly cookbook http://www.ethernut.de/en/documents/arm-inline-asm.html states that i can for example use the constraints "r" for one of the general purpose registers R0-R15 "w" for one of the VFP floating point registers S0-S31

but how can I constraint an operand for example exactly to s1? or to a particular general purpose register?

like image 251
Mat Avatar asked Oct 14 '10 01:10


2 Answers

I don't think gcc for ARM allows you to use constraints to specify exactly which register to use. However, you can use explicit register variables to specify a register to store a variable in:

register int my_variable asm("r0");
like image 138
Mike Seymour Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09

Mike Seymour

Explicit register variables minimal runnable example

Here is an ARMv8 Linux C freestanding hello world exemplifying https://stackoverflow.com/a/3936064/9160762 with some disassembly analysis:


#include <inttypes.h>

void _start(void) {
    uint64_t exit_status;

    /* write */
        char msg[] = "hello syscall v8\n";
        uint64_t syscall_return;
        register uint64_t x0 __asm__ ("x0") = 1; /* stdout */
        register char *x1 __asm__ ("x1") = msg;
        register uint64_t x2 __asm__ ("x2") = sizeof(msg);
        register uint64_t x8 __asm__ ("x8") = 64; /* syscall number */
        __asm__ __volatile__ (
            "svc 0;"
            : "+r" (x0)
            : "r" (x1), "r" (x2), "r" (x8)
            : "memory"
        syscall_return = x0;
        exit_status = (syscall_return != sizeof(msg));

    /* exit */
        register uint64_t x0 __asm__ ("x0") = exit_status;
        register uint64_t x8 __asm__ ("x8") = 93;
        __asm__ __volatile__ (
            "svc 0;"
            : "+r" (x0)
            : "r" (x8)

GitHub upstream.

Compile and run:

sudo apt-get install qemu-user gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -O3 -std=c99 -ggdb3 -march=armv8-a -pedantic -Wall -Wextra \
  -ffreestanding -nostdlib -static -o main.out main.c
qemu-aarch64 main.out


hello syscall v8


aarch64-linux-gnu-objdump -S main.out


main.out:     file format elf64-littleaarch64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000400110 <_start>:
void _start(void) {
    uint64_t exit_status;

    /* write */
        char msg[] = "hello syscall v8\n";
  400110:   90000003    adrp    x3, 400000 <_start-0x110>
  400114:   91056063    add x3, x3, #0x158
void _start(void) {
  400118:   d10083ff    sub sp, sp, #0x20
        uint64_t syscall_return;
        register uint64_t x0 __asm__ ("x0") = 1; /* stdout */
  40011c:   d2800020    mov x0, #0x1                    // #1
        register char *x1 __asm__ ("x1") = msg;
  400120:   910023e1    add x1, sp, #0x8
        register uint64_t x2 __asm__ ("x2") = sizeof(msg);
  400124:   d2800242    mov x2, #0x12                   // #18
        char msg[] = "hello syscall v8\n";
  400128:   a9401464    ldp x4, x5, [x3]
        register uint64_t x8 __asm__ ("x8") = 64; /* syscall number */
  40012c:   d2800808    mov x8, #0x40                   // #64
        char msg[] = "hello syscall v8\n";
  400130:   79402063    ldrh    w3, [x3, #16]
  400134:   a90097e4    stp x4, x5, [sp, #8]
  400138:   790033e3    strh    w3, [sp, #24]
        __asm__ __volatile__ (
  40013c:   d4000001    svc #0x0
            : "+r" (x0)
            : "r" (x1), "r" (x2), "r" (x8)
            : "memory"
        syscall_return = x0;
        exit_status = (syscall_return != sizeof(msg));
  400140:   eb02001f    cmp x0, x2

    /* exit */
        register uint64_t x0 __asm__ ("x0") = exit_status;
        register uint64_t x8 __asm__ ("x8") = 93;
  400144:   d2800ba8    mov x8, #0x5d                   // #93
        register uint64_t x0 __asm__ ("x0") = exit_status;
  400148:   9a9f07e0    cset    x0, ne  // ne = any
        __asm__ __volatile__ (
  40014c:   d4000001    svc #0x0
            : "+r" (x0)
            : "r" (x8)
  400150:   910083ff    add sp, sp, #0x20
  400154:   d65f03c0    ret

Attempt without explicit register variables

Mostly for fun, I tried to reach the same result without using register variables, but I was not able to do it.

In any case, the code would be more complicated, so you are better off just using register variables.

Here is my best attempt:


#include <inttypes.h>

void _start(void) {
    uint64_t exit_status;

    /* write */
        char msg[] = "hello syscall v8\n";
        uint64_t syscall_return;
        __asm__ (
            "mov x0, 1;" /* stdout */
            "mov x1, %[msg];"
            "mov x2, %[len];"
            "mov x8, 64;" /* syscall number */
            "svc 0;"
            "mov %[syscall_return], x0;"
            : [syscall_return] "=r" (syscall_return)
            : [msg] "p" (msg),
            [len] "i" (sizeof(msg))
            : "x0", "x1", "x2", "x8", "memory"
        exit_status = (syscall_return != sizeof(msg));

    /* exit */
    __asm__ (
        "mov x0, %[exit_status];"
        "mov x8, 93;" /* syscall number */
        "svc 0;"
        : [exit_status] "r" (exit_status)
        : "x0", "x8"

GitHub upstream.


main.out:     file format elf64-littleaarch64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000400110 <_start>:
void _start(void) {
    uint64_t exit_status;

    /* write */
        char msg[] = "hello syscall v8\n";
  400110:   90000000        adrp    x0, 400000 <_start-0x110>
  400114:   9105a000        add     x0, x0, #0x168
void _start(void) {
  400118:   d10083ff        sub     sp, sp, #0x20
        char msg[] = "hello syscall v8\n";
  40011c:   a9400c02        ldp     x2, x3, [x0]
  400120:   a9008fe2        stp     x2, x3, [sp, #8]
  400124:   79402000        ldrh    w0, [x0, #16]
        uint64_t syscall_return;
        __asm__ (
  400128:   910023e3        add     x3, sp, #0x8
        char msg[] = "hello syscall v8\n";
  40012c:   790033e0        strh    w0, [sp, #24]
        __asm__ (
  400130:   d2800020        mov     x0, #0x1                        // #1
  400134:   aa0303e1        mov     x1, x3
  400138:   d2800242        mov     x2, #0x12                       // #18
  40013c:   d2800808        mov     x8, #0x40                       // #64
  400140:   d4000001        svc     #0x0
  400144:   aa0003e3        mov     x3, x0
            : [syscall_return] "=r" (syscall_return)
            : [msg] "p" (msg),
            [len] "i" (sizeof(msg))
            : "x0", "x1", "x2", "x8", "memory"
        exit_status = (syscall_return != sizeof(msg));
  400148:   f100487f        cmp     x3, #0x12
  40014c:   9a9f07e1        cset    x1, ne  // ne = any

    /* exit */
    __asm__ (
  400150:   aa0103e0        mov     x0, x1
  400154:   d2800ba8        mov     x8, #0x5d                       // #93
  400158:   d4000001        svc     #0x0
        "svc 0;"
        : [exit_status] "r" (exit_status)
        : "x0", "x8"
  40015c:   910083ff        add     sp, sp, #0x20
  400160:   d65f03c0        ret

This was less efficient for the following reasons:

  • write constraint p need to use an intermediate register x3 for the add to sp

  • I don't know how to get the syscall return status without an extra mov to an output register

  • exit status gets moved one extra time through x1. With register variables is just calculated directly into x0.

Tested in Ubuntu 18.10, GCC 8.2.0, QEMU 2.12.

like image 28
Ciro Santilli Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Ciro Santilli