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"ng-true-value" and "ng-false-value" alternatives in Angular2

I was searching for the ng-true-value and ng-false-value alternatives in Angular 2 but i didn't get a result. Did they replace them with other tools ? I really need them. Thanks in advance

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SeleM Avatar asked Jun 09 '16 11:06


People also ask

What is Ng true value?

ngTrueValue. (optional) expression. The value to which the expression should be set when selected.

What is Ngvalue in angular?

The ng-value Directive in AngularJS is used to specify the value of an input element. This directive can be used to achieve the one-way binding for the given expression to an input element, especially when the ng-model directive is not used for that specific element. It is supported by <input> and <select> elements.

2 Answers

I think Experimenter answer is too long, so i am giving short one:

<input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="isActive" [checked]="isActive" name="active" (change)="isActive ? data.is_active = 1 : data.is_active = 0">

I am using just short-if.

like image 154
Andris Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11


Workaround. For example we have the 'object' in the model with a 'flag' and one checkbox should set the flag to value "1" and another checkbox should set the flag to value "2", if the checkbox both unchecked the value should be "0", so:

public setFlag(object: any, event: any): any {
  if (event.target.classList.contains('some-mark-class') && (object.flag == 0 || object.flag == 1)) {
    object.flag = 2;
  } else if (!event.target.classList.contains('some-mark-class') && (object.flag == 0 || object.flag == 2)) {
    object.flag = 1;
  } else {
    object.flag = 0;
<input type="checkbox" name="hide-{{object.flag}}" [checked]="object.flag === 1" (change)="setFlag(object, $event)">
<input type="checkbox" name="dlte-{{object.flag}}" [checked]="object.flag === 2" (change)="setFlag(object, $event)" class="some-mark-class">

The solution might be not perfect and somehow clumsy but it's something and it works, so if you have some improvements, please do.

When I'll have some more time I'll try to do it in some sandbox if you want :).

UPDATE: Verson 2 Better approach and flexibility

.ts file:

public setFlag(obj: any, property: any, trueValue: any, falseValue: any): any {
  if (obj[property] === trueValue) {
    obj[property] = falseValue;
  } else {
    obj[property] = trueValue;
<input type="checkbox" name="hide-{{object.flag}}" [checked]="object.flag === 1" (change)="setFlag(object, 'flag', 1, 0)>
<input type="checkbox" name="dlte-{{object.flag}}" [checked]="object.flag === 1" (change)="setFlag(object, 'flag', 'true-value', 'false-value')>

In a function setFlag we take 4 parameters: object, property for the object, true-value and false-value which give us flexibility to set the value what we wish and do it without mark-class. Hope it helps

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Experimenter Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11
