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ngModel - How to deal with its different behavior in different browsers?

I'm trying to deal with different behavior of ngModel in different browsers.

My directive wraps jqueryUI autocomplete and on its select event it calls ngModel.$setViewValue(selectedItem.id). Autocomplete allows user to select item by mouse click or by pressing enter on the keyboard.

If suggested item is:

  "name": "Apple",
  "id": "1000"

I expect after selecting it, the ngModel value will be selected item's id - 1000.

  • In Chrome it works OK - it sets $viewValue and $modelValue correctly ($modelValue=1000).

  • In Firefox it sets model as in Chrome ($modelValue=1000), but when I click somewhere else - make blur (then browser probably fires change event), model changes and it becomes same as visible input value ($modelValue='Apple').

  • In IE 11 it sets model correct only when I select item with mouse click. If I select it by pressing enter, the model becomes visible input value ($modelValue='Apple')

Here is plunkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/o2Jkgprf8EakGqnpu22Y?p=preview

I'd like to reach the same behavior in every browser. How to deal with that problems?

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akn Avatar asked Jul 10 '15 08:07


1 Answers

This seems to be related to http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/8878

As pointed out in the above link, the change event is triggered only in Firefox and not in Chrome. So in your case, $setViewValue is again triggered when clicked outside and the model value is set to "Apple".

There is change callback for autocomplete jquery ui widget. To handle both the case/browsers may be you would have to explicitly set view value again on this call back (and it works).


    link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ngModel) {
      elem.on('change', function(){
      // This will not be printed in Chrome and only on firefox

    select: function(event, ui) {
    // To handle firefox browser were change event is triggered
    // when clicked outside/blur
    change: function(event, ui) {
like image 97
Bharat Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10
