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What is the point of declaring angular module dependency if one module can access the values and services from another module anyway

See this plunker code (Notice console.log messages) to understand what I am trying to say/ask.

I have defined 3 modules, namely, myApp, myApp.view1, myApp.view2. Only myApp module has dependency declared on the other 2.

myApp Module

angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute','myApp.view1','myApp.view2'])

.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
    $routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo: '/view1'});

.value('author', 'Suman Barick')

myApp.view1 Module

angular.module('myApp.view1', ['ngRoute'])

.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
  $routeProvider.when('/view1', {
    template: 'Welcome to view ONE',
    controller: 'View1Ctrl'

.controller('View1Ctrl', ['author', function(author) {
    console.log('I am on view1 module');
    console.log('Printing author value from myApp module ' + author);

.value('view1_var', 'Hi, I am defined as value in myApp.view1 module')

.service('serviceV1', function(){
    this.getData = function(){return 'abcdef';}
    console.log('This is a service from myApp.view1 module');

myApp.view2 Module

angular.module('myApp.view2', ['ngRoute'])

.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
  $routeProvider.when('/view2', {
    template: 'Welcome to view TWO',
    controller: 'View2Ctrl'

.controller('View2Ctrl', ['view1_var','serviceV1', function(view1_var, serviceV1) {
    console.log('Look I am accessing view1_var and serviceV1 of view1 module... from view2 module');

My Doubts / Questions:

  1. Why can "myApp.view1" module access the "author" value defined on "myApp" module. "myApp" has a dependency on "myApp.view1", but not vice versa.

  2. More interestingly, "myApp.view1" and "myApp.view2" are 2 entirely separate module. Then how come "myApp.view2" is accessing the view1_var and serviceV1 from "myApp.view1" without even declaring any dependency on it?

  3. Is this the intended design / behavior ? Then what are other things that I can define in one module but use it in any other module irrespective of their dependency among themselves?

Can someone please explain?

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Suman Barick Avatar asked May 16 '16 09:05

Suman Barick

1 Answers

After researching a bit and thanks to @dewd for pointing me to the accepted answer of this question, I came to the following conclusion,

So, here goes My Theorem [See Illustration image below]


  1. There exists n modules naming A1, A2, A3, ..., An such that A1 depends on A2, A2 depends on A3 and so on...
  2. Also, m modules naming B1, B2, B3, .... Bm such that B1 depends on B2, B2 depends on B3 and so on...
  3. Also there exists, a top(est) level dependent module, say 'AB', which is dependent on both module 'A1' and 'B1'
  4. Then, module 'An' will be able to access any service declared on module 'Bm'

Illustration Image

enter image description here

The Experiment and Proof

See this plunkr for demo.

Here I have declared total 7 modules,

  1. modules A1, A2, A3 where, A1 is dependent on A2 and A2 is dependent on A3
  2. modules B1, B2, B3 where, B1 is dependent on B2 and B2 is dependent on B3
  3. module 'AB' which is dependent on both 'A1' and 'B1'


  1. I have defined a service b3service on B3 module
  2. I have bootstrapped AB module with body
  3. Now I can access b3service from the module A3 (See console message)

But, A3 and B3 has no direct connection or dependency.

Here is my HTML

  <body id="body" ng-app="AB">
    <h1>Hello Plunker!</h1>

    <script src="app.js"></script>

And here is my JS

angular.module('AB', ['A1', 'B1']);

angular.module('A1', ['A2']);
angular.module('A2', ['A3']);
var a3 = angular.module('A3', []);

angular.module('B1', ['B2']);
angular.module('B2', ['B3']);
var b3 = angular.module('B3', []);
b3.service('b3service', function(){
  this.getSecretMessage = function(){
    return 'Cows are Flying...';

My Conclusion

I think the magic is in Nested Modules. That's why in the code shown in the question view1 module and view2 module could access each other. Because views are already nested inside body with which the parent of all modules, myApp was bootstrapped.

Confusing Fact...

And my head is still spinning... :P

like image 117
Suman Barick Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09

Suman Barick