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Naming convention for unique constraint

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How do you name a unique constraint in SQL?

The UNIQUE constraint ensures that all values in a column are different. Both the UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a column or set of columns. A PRIMARY KEY constraint automatically has a UNIQUE constraint.

What's the default naming convention for constraints in a table?

The naming convention for the default constraint is: Default constraint should use the syntax “DF_<TableName>_<ColumnName>. Each Default Constraint name should have a “DF_” prefix.

What is naming convention in SQL Server?

SQL Server defines a set of rules (dos and don'ts) for naming SQL Server Objects called naming convention, but also gives the user to follow their own preferred style. It is advisable to follow a single naming convention for all database objects consistently.

What is unique constraint example?

For example, think of ID numbers. There can be only one social security number (SSN) per person and each one must be unique. By using a UNIQUE constraint on a column, we define that this column cannot store duplicate values. In this article, we'll first review the basics of a UNIQUE constraint.

My naming convention for indices and constraints:

  • Primary key. _PK
  • Unique index/constraint. _AK{xx}
  • Non-Unique index. _IX{xx}
  • Check constraint. _CK{xx}
  • Default constraint. _DF{xx}
  • Foreign key constraint. _FK{xx}

Where {xx} is a 2-digit sequence number, starting at 01 for each constraint type per table. Primary key doesn't get a sequence number since there can be only one. The 2-char alpha suffix meanings are:

  • PK: Primary Key
  • AK: Alternate Key
  • FK: Foreign Key
  • IX: IndeX
  • CK: ChecK
  • DF: DeFault

I generally want to group metadata/system catalog data by the controlling object rather than by object type.

My thinking is it isn't a key: it's a constraint.

It could be used as a key of course, and uniquely identifies a row, but it isn't the key.

An example would be that the key is "ThingID", a surrogate key used in place of ThingName the natural key. You still need to constrain ThingName: it won't be used as a key though.

I'd also use UQ and UQC (if clustered).

You could use a unique index instead and go for "IXU". By the logic employed, an index is also a key but only when unique. Otherwise it's an index. So then we'd start with IK_columnname for unique indexes and IX_columnname for non-unique indexes. Marvellous.

And the only difference between a unique constraint and a unique index is INCLUDE columns.

Edit: Feb 2013. Since SQL Server 2008, indexes can have filters too. Constraints can not

So, it comes down to one of

  • stick with UQ as per the rest of the SQL-using planet
  • use IK for unique indexes (IKC for clustered too) to be consistent...

I use UQ. The K in UK makes me think of K as it's used in PK and FK. Well, after I think of United Kingdom anyways; ironic that this should be a prefix for UNIQUE when UK brings up so many other associations =)