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MySQL fulltext search with word boundaries



I've read some articles and issues, but couldn't find a satisfying solution. I want to select related records from the database when a user fills in a form; on the same way the functionality works on this site when you ask a question.

Consider a database table with the following three records in the column subject

| 1 | Pagina aanmaken en beter doorzoekbaar maken       |
| 2 | Sorteerfunctie uitbreiden in zoek-en-boek functie |
| 3 | Zoek de verschillen tussen de pagina's            |

I start my search query with the word zoek so i want to query the most relevant results from the database on the term zoek. I came up with the following query:


When i run this query i'd expected all the records to show and (probably, i don't know how specificity works in MySQL) ID 3 to display on top (because exact word match).

Instead the results of the query were only row 2 and 3 with exactly the same score (0.031008131802082062).

What do i need to change in my query to match appropriate records? Also considering that users can type in keywords or sentences.

like image 773
Maurice Avatar asked Jan 15 '16 11:01


People also ask

How do I search for a word in MySQL?

MySQL full-text search To enable full-text search, first, the FULLTEXT index needs to be created on the table columns on which the user wants to search data. Note that the FULLTEXT index can be created only in columns that have CHAR, VARCHAR, or TEXT data type.

How do I create a full-text search in MySQL?

To use full-text search in MySQL you need to use full-text indexes and the MATCH () function. The full-text index is FULLTEXT. Mysql supports full-text indexes on MyISAM tables. InnoDB support has been added since version 5.6.

Does MySQL have full-text search?

MySQL has support for full-text indexing and searching: A full-text index in MySQL is an index of type FULLTEXT . Full-text indexes can be used only with InnoDB or MyISAM tables, and can be created only for CHAR , VARCHAR , or TEXT columns.

What is fulltext key in MySQL?

Full-text indexes are created on text-based columns ( CHAR , VARCHAR , or TEXT columns) to speed up queries and DML operations on data contained within those columns. A full-text index is defined as part of a CREATE TABLE statement or added to an existing table using ALTER TABLE or CREATE INDEX .

3 Answers

MySQL full-text search doesn't support suffixes.

To get the first row you would have to do a match against '*zoek*' which is currently not allowed.

The alternative is to use

SELECT id, subject
FROM Issues 
WHERE subject LIKE '%zoek%' 
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R.Costa Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 17:10


As others advised, MySQL's FULLTEXT indexes do not support leading wildcards, and therefore cannot help in searching for suffixes.

However, the new ngram Full-Text Parser might help :

The built-in MySQL full-text parser uses the white space between words as a delimiter to determine where words begin and end, which is a limitation when working with ideographic languages that do not use word delimiters. To address this limitation, MySQL provides an ngram full-text parser (...).

An ngram is a contiguous sequence of n characters from a given sequence of text. The ngram parser tokenizes a sequence of text into a contiguous sequence of n characters.

As I have never used this feature, I cannot help further on this topic. Notice however:

Because an ngram FULLTEXT index contains only ngrams, and does not contain information about the beginning of terms, wildcard searches may return unexpected results.

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RandomSeed Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 18:10


Try this queries for different results:

  1. Select all subject that starts with letter "z":
    SELECT ID, Subject FROM table_name WHERE Subject LIKE 'z%';

  2. Select all subject that ends with letter "z":
    SELECT ID, Subject FROM table_name WHERE Subject LIKE '%z';

  3. Select all subject containing the pattern "zoek":
    SELECT ID, Subject FROM table_name WHERE Subject LIKE '%zoek%';

like image 1
Mary Grace Bautista Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 17:10

Mary Grace Bautista