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Versioning Mysql Data (Not Just Schema)






There has been talk at my office about creating a package that would version control mysql data (not schemas/migrations).

Basically the process would work like this. Keep in mind the client still uses the backend as normal, image then using it just like a wordpress backend. Client would login select a "branch" give it a name lets say "new users" this would clone a completely new database allowing the user to work on there "branch" without effecting live. Once the client is done making data changes they would merge there data branch into the "master"(live).

Under the hood when merging it would export both live and "new users" branches data to a sql file and do an svn diff and merge the changes.

The situation that arose that enticed the idea was if we have clients that need to make a bunch of changes to there site but dont want to put that data live and while they make changes they dont want to effect other coworkers site changes either. Basically replicated what developers do when working in repositories like Git.

Also if the client works on a dev/demo site the work they do they want to put live.

I wanted to open the discussion to understanding if this is even a good idea? What problems we may run into? Is this a good programming practice when working with data? Does something like this already exist?

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Brian Voelker Avatar asked Nov 18 '15 20:11

Brian Voelker

People also ask

What is the purpose of schema versioning?

Schema versioning deals with the need to retain current data, and the ability to query and update it, through alternate database structures. (The structure of a database is held in a schema (pl. schemata or schemas).

Do databases have version control?

Tools for Database Version Control It relies on a changelog to track what changesets have been deployed to a database, and what additional changesets need to be applied to a database in order to migrate a database schema to a specific version.

What is DB versioning?

What is database versioning? Versioning a database means sharing all changes in a database that is necessary for other team members in order to get the project running properly. To effectively version a database, you must monitor and understand the changes that are occurring.

1 Answers

Database (especially their data) are rarely stored in a version control system because it doesn't scale well for large databases.

In your case, if you have not too much data, that could work, especially since a mysqldump can produce a delimited text format (which has a chance to diff against the previous version)

I would still recommend a separate git repo and a dedicated tool to manage both schema and data changes. For instance, LiquidBase can provide "source control for your database".
You also have, as a dedicated specialized database: off-scale.

If you were to do this manually, then you have good practices summarized in "Recipes for Continuous Database Integration".

As mentioned here, even for schema:

I learned the hard way that applying database schema changes cannot be reliably done without a comprehensive step-by-step plan and, similarly, the order of relationship dependencies are important.
Just storing the "current" or "end" schema is not sufficient. There are many changes that cannot be retroactively applied A->C without knowing A->B->C and some changes B might involve migration logic or corrections.

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VonC Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
