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Multiprocessing : use tqdm to display a progress bar

People also ask

Can you use tqdm with multiprocessing?

tqdm(range(0, 30)) does not work with multiprocessing (as formulated in the code below).

What is tqdm progress bar?

tqdm derives from the Arabic word taqaddum (تقدّم) which can mean "progress," and is an abbreviation for "I love you so much" in Spanish (te quiero demasiado). Instantly make your loops show a smart progress meter - just wrap any iterable with tqdm(iterable) , and you're done!

Can I use tqdm in while loop?

tqdm does not require any dependencies and works across multiple python environments. Integrating tqdm can be done effortlessly in loops, on iterable, with Pandas or even with machine learning libraries— just wrap any iterable with tqdm(iterable) , and you're done!

What is tqdm () in Python?

tqdm is a library in Python which is used for creating Progress Meters or Progress Bars. tqdm got its name from the Arabic name taqaddum which means 'progress'. Implementing tqdm can be done effortlessly in our loops, functions or even Pandas.

Use imap instead of map, which returns an iterator of processed values.

from multiprocessing import Pool
import tqdm
import time

def _foo(my_number):
   square = my_number * my_number
   return square 

if __name__ == '__main__':
   with Pool(2) as p:
      r = list(tqdm.tqdm(p.imap(_foo, range(30)), total=30))

Sorry for being late but if all you need is a concurrent map, I added this functionality in tqdm>=4.42.0:

from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map  # or thread_map
import time

def _foo(my_number):
   square = my_number * my_number
   return square 

if __name__ == '__main__':
   r = process_map(_foo, range(0, 30), max_workers=2)

References: https://tqdm.github.io/docs/contrib.concurrent/ and https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm/blob/master/examples/parallel_bars.py

It supports max_workers and chunksize and you can also easily switch from process_map to thread_map.

Solution Found : Be careful! Due to multiprocessing, estimation time (iteration per loop, total time, etc.) could be unstable, but the progress bar works perfectly.

Note: Context manager for Pool is only available from Python version 3.3

from multiprocessing import Pool
import time
from tqdm import *

def _foo(my_number):
   square = my_number * my_number
   return square 

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Pool(processes=2) as p:
        max_ = 30
        with tqdm(total=max_) as pbar:
            for i, _ in enumerate(p.imap_unordered(_foo, range(0, max_))):

You can use p_tqdm instead.


from p_tqdm import p_map
import time

def _foo(my_number):
   square = my_number * my_number
   return square 

if __name__ == '__main__':
   r = p_map(_foo, list(range(0, 30)))

based on the answer of Xavi Martínez I wrote the function imap_unordered_bar. It can be used in the same way as imap_unordered with the only difference that a processing bar is shown.

from multiprocessing import Pool
import time
from tqdm import *

def imap_unordered_bar(func, args, n_processes = 2):
    p = Pool(n_processes)
    res_list = []
    with tqdm(total = len(args)) as pbar:
        for i, res in tqdm(enumerate(p.imap_unordered(func, args))):
    return res_list

def _foo(my_number):
    square = my_number * my_number
    return square 

if __name__ == '__main__':
    result = imap_unordered_bar(_foo, range(5))

import multiprocessing as mp
import tqdm

iterable = ... 
num_cpu = mp.cpu_count() - 2 # dont use all cpus.

def func():
    # your logic

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with mp.Pool(num_cpu) as p:
        list(tqdm.tqdm(p.imap(func, iterable), total=len(iterable)))

For progress bar with apply_async, we can use following code as suggested in:


import time
import random
from multiprocessing import Pool
from tqdm import tqdm

def myfunc(a):
    return a ** 2

pool = Pool(2)
pbar = tqdm(total=100)

def update(*a):

for i in range(pbar.total):
    pool.apply_async(myfunc, args=(i,), callback=update)