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Single vs double quotes in JSON




People also ask

Does JSON use double quotes or single quotes?

JSON only allows double quotes (unless you control the data, and can use a library that is more liberal at parsing JSON - but a JSON file with single quotes is not truly a JSON file)

Should JSON be double quotes?

JSON names require double quotes.

Can JSON read single quotes?

The JSON standard requires double quotes and will not accept single quotes, nor will the parser.

Do quotes matter in JSON?

JavaScript object literals do not require quotes around a key name if the key is a valid identifier and not a reserved word. However, JSON always requires quotes around key names.

JSON syntax is not Python syntax. JSON requires double quotes for its strings.

you can use ast.literal_eval()

>>> import ast
>>> s = "{'username':'dfdsfdsf'}"
>>> ast.literal_eval(s)
{'username': 'dfdsfdsf'}

You can dump JSON with double quote by:

import json

# mixing single and double quotes
data = {'jsonKey': 'jsonValue',"title": "hello world"}

# get string with all double quotes
json_string = json.dumps(data) 

demjson is also a good package to solve the problem of bad json syntax:

pip install demjson


from demjson import decode
bad_json = "{'username':'dfdsfdsf'}"
python_dict = decode(bad_json)


demjson.decode is a great tool for damaged json, but when you are dealing with big amourt of json data ast.literal_eval is a better match and much faster.

Two issues with answers given so far, if , for instance, one streams such non-standard JSON. Because then one might have to interpret an incoming string (not a python dictionary).

Issue 1 - demjson: With Python 3.7.+ and using conda I wasn't able to install demjson since obviosly it does not support Python >3.5 currently. So I need a solution with simpler means, for instance astand/or json.dumps.

Issue 2 - ast & json.dumps: If a JSON is both single quoted and contains a string in at least one value, which in turn contains single quotes, the only simple yet practical solution I have found is applying both:

In the following example we assume line is the incoming JSON string object :

>>> line = str({'abc':'008565','name':'xyz','description':'can control TV\'s and more'})

Step 1: convert the incoming string into a dictionary using ast.literal_eval()
Step 2: apply json.dumps to it for the reliable conversion of keys and values, but without touching the contents of values:

>>> import ast
>>> import json
>>> print(json.dumps(ast.literal_eval(line)))
{"abc": "008565", "name": "xyz", "description": "can control TV's and more"}

json.dumps alone would not do the job because it does not interpret the JSON, but only see the string. Similar for ast.literal_eval(): although it interprets correctly the JSON (dictionary), it does not convert what we need.

You can fix it that way:

s = "{'username':'dfdsfdsf'}"
j = eval(s)

As said, JSON is not Python syntax. You need to use double quotes in JSON. Its creator is (in-)famous for using strict subsets of allowable syntax to ease programmer cognitive overload.

Below can fail if one of the JSON strings itself contains a single quote as pointed out by @Jiaaro. DO NOT USE. Left here as an example of what does not work.

It is really useful to know that there are no single quotes in a JSON string. Say, you copied and pasted it from a browser console/whatever. Then, you can just type

a = json.loads('very_long_json_string_pasted_here')

This might otherwise break if it used single quotes, too.