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Most efficient way to fill a vector from back to front

I am trying to populate a vector with a sequence of values. In order to calculate the first value I need to calculate the second value, which depends on the third value etc etc.

let mut bxs = Vec::with_capacity(n);

for x in info {
    let b = match bxs.last() {
        Some(bx) => union(&bx, &x.bbox),
        None => x.bbox.clone(),

Currently I just fill the vector front to back using v.push(x) and then reverse the vector using v.reverse(). Is there a way to do this in a single pass?

like image 877
Justin Raymond Avatar asked May 11 '16 03:05

Justin Raymond

1 Answers

Is there a way to do this in a single pass?

If you don't mind adapting the vector, it's relatively easy.

struct RevVec<T> {
    data: Vec<T>,

impl<T> RevVec<T> {
    fn push_front(&mut self, t: T) { self.data.push(t); }

impl<T> Index<usize> for RevVec<T> {
    type Output = T;
    fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &T {
        &self.data[self.len() - index - 1]

impl<T> IndexMut<usize> for RevVec<T> {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut T {
        let len = self.len();
        &mut self.data[len - index - 1]
like image 111
Matthieu M. Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10

Matthieu M.