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Python Raytracing

I'm building a simple Python raytracer with pure Python (just for the heck of it), but I've hit a roadblock.

The setup of my scene is currently this:

  1. Camera located at 0, -10, 0 pointing along the y-axis.
  2. Sphere with radius 1 located at 0, 0, 0.
  3. Imaging plane-thing is a distance of 1 away from the camera and has a width and height of 0.5.

I'm shooting photons in a uniformly randomly distribution through the imaging plane, and if a photon happens to intersect an object, I draw a red dot on the image canvas corresponding to the point on the image plane through which the ray passed.

My intersection code (I only have spheres):

def intersection(self, ray):
  cp = self.pos - ray.origin
  v = cp.dot(ray.direction)
  discriminant = self.radius**2  - cp.dot(cp) + v * v

  if discriminant < 0:
    return False
    return ray.position(v - sqrt(discriminant)) # Position of ray at time t

And my rendering code (it renders a certain number of photons, not pixel-by-pixel):

def bake(self, rays):
  self.image = Image.new('RGB', [int(self.camera.focalplane.width * 800), int(self.camera.focalplane.height * 800)])
  canvas = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image)

  for i in xrange(rays):
    x = random.uniform(-camera.focalplane.width / 2.0, camera.focalplane.width / 2.0)
    z = random.uniform(-camera.focalplane.height / 2.0, camera.focalplane.height / 2.0)

    ray = Ray(camera.pos, Vector(x, 1, z))

    for name in scene.objects.keys():
      result = scene.objects[name].intersection(ray)

      if result:
        n = Vector(0, 1, 0)
        d = ((ray.origin - Point(self.camera.pos.x, self.camera.pos.y + self.camera.focalplane.offset, self.camera.pos.z)).dot(n)) / (ray.direction.dot(n))
        pos = ray.position(d)

        x = pos.x
        y = pos.y

        canvas.point([int(self.camera.focalplane.width * 800) * (self.camera.focalplane.width / 2 + x) / self.camera.focalplane.width,
                      int(self.camera.focalplane.height * 800) * (self.camera.focalplane.height / 2 + z) / self.camera.focalplane.height],
                      fill = 128)

It should work properly, but when I render a test image, I get nothing that looks like the outline of a sphere:

enter image description here

I was expecting something like this:

enter image description here

Does anybody know why my code isn't functioning properly? I've been tweaking and rewriting this one part for way too long...

like image 283
Blender Avatar asked Mar 23 '11 16:03


1 Answers

Are you normalising the ray's direction vector?

like image 68
Alnitak Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10
