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What are the various Python CMS's and their statuses?

I'm usually a PHP developer that has lots of experience with Drupal CMS & framework. And I realize Drupal is very mature, but I don't know much about the Python scene.

I've heard the following CMSs be mentioned:

  • Plone
  • Django (framework)

What other CMSs are there, and what do you think are some of the pros and cons? How mature are they? Is it even worth starting to use Python for general web development?

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Dexter Avatar asked Jan 28 '11 22:01


1 Answers

My vote is for Django CMS. Django itself is a development framework (but one that gives you a lot for free, including an excellent pluggable admin interface). DjangoCMS is an application that you can install into a Django application. I am using DjangoCMS and, as a Django user, I think it's perfect. I'm not what non-Django users would think. It's no Wordpress.

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Joe Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
