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Diff multidimensional dictionaries in python



I have two dictionaries

a = {'home': {'name': 'Team1', 'score': 0}, 'away': {'name': 'Team2', 'score': 0}}
b = {'home': {'name': 'Team1', 'score': 2}, 'away': {'name': 'Team2', 'score': 0}}

The keys never change but I want to get that ['home']['score'] has changed

Any easy way to do this?

like image 749
Mike Avatar asked Nov 16 '10 17:11


People also ask

Can we compare 2 dictionaries in Python?

You can use the == operator, and it will work. However, when you have specific needs, things become harder. The reason is, Python has no built-in feature allowing us to: compare two dictionaries and check how many pairs are equal.

How do you find the difference between two dictionaries in Python?

With set. Here we take two dictionaries and apply set function to them. Then we subtract the two sets to get the difference. We do it both ways, by subtracting second dictionary from first and next subtracting first dictionary form second.

3 Answers

As a knee-jerk initial response:

a = {'home': {'name': 'Team1', 'score': 0}, 'away': {'name': 'Team2', 'score': 0}}
b = {'home': {'name': 'Team1', 'score': 2}, 'away': {'name': 'Team2', 'score': 0}}

def valchange(d1, d2, parent=''):
    for k in d1.keys():
        if type(d1[k])==type({}):
            changes.extend(valchange(d1[k], d2[k], k))
            if d1[k]!=d2[k]:
                if parent=='':
                    changes.append(k + ' has changed ')
                    changes.append(parent + '.' + k + ' has changed')
    return changes

print valchange(a,b)

['home.score has changed']    
like image 142
Caleb Hattingh Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Caleb Hattingh

You can use my package that is for python: https://github.com/seperman/deepdiff

It deals with more than just recursive dictionary differences:


Install from PyPi:

pip install deepdiff

If you are Python3 you need to also install:

pip install future six

Example usage

>>> from deepdiff import DeepDiff
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from __future__ import print_function

Same object returns empty

>>> t1 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3}
>>> t2 = t1
>>> ddiff = DeepDiff(t1, t2)
>>> print (ddiff.changes)

Type of an item has changed

>>> t1 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3}
>>> t2 = {1:1, 2:"2", 3:3}
>>> ddiff = DeepDiff(t1, t2)
>>> print (ddiff.changes)
    {'type_changes': ["root[2]: 2=<type 'int'> vs. 2=<type 'str'>"]}

Value of an item has changed

>>> t1 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3}
>>> t2 = {1:1, 2:4, 3:3}
>>> ddiff = DeepDiff(t1, t2)
>>> print (ddiff.changes)
    {'values_changed': ['root[2]: 2 ====>> 4']}

Item added and/or removed

>>> t1 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4}
>>> t2 = {1:1, 2:4, 3:3, 5:5, 6:6}
>>> ddiff = DeepDiff(t1, t2)
>>> pprint (ddiff.changes)
    {'dic_item_added': ['root[5, 6]'],
     'dic_item_removed': ['root[4]'],
     'values_changed': ['root[2]: 2 ====>> 4']}

String difference

>>> t1 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:{"a":"hello", "b":"world"}}
>>> t2 = {1:1, 2:4, 3:3, 4:{"a":"hello", "b":"world!"}}
>>> ddiff = DeepDiff(t1, t2)
>>> pprint (ddiff.changes, indent = 2)
    { 'values_changed': [ 'root[2]: 2 ====>> 4',
                          "root[4]['b']:\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -1 +1 @@\n-world\n+world!"]}
>>> print (ddiff.changes['values_changed'][1])
    @@ -1 +1 @@

String difference 2

>>> t1 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:{"a":"hello", "b":"world!\nGoodbye!\n1\n2\nEnd"}}
>>> t2 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:{"a":"hello", "b":"world\n1\n2\nEnd"}}
>>> ddiff = DeepDiff(t1, t2)
>>> pprint (ddiff.changes, indent = 2)
    { 'values_changed': [ "root[4]['b']:\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@\n-world!\n-Goodbye!\n+world\n 1\n 2\n End"]}
>>> print (ddiff.changes['values_changed'][0])
    @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@

Type change

>>> t1 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:{"a":"hello", "b":[1, 2, 3]}}
>>> t2 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:{"a":"hello", "b":"world\n\n\nEnd"}}
>>> ddiff = DeepDiff(t1, t2)
>>> pprint (ddiff.changes, indent = 2)
    { 'type_changes': [ "root[4]['b']: [1, 2, 3]=<type 'list'> vs. world\n\n\nEnd=<type 'str'>"]}

List difference

>>> t1 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:{"a":"hello", "b":[1, 2, 3]}}
>>> t2 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:{"a":"hello", "b":[1, 2]}}
>>> ddiff = DeepDiff(t1, t2)
>>> pprint (ddiff.changes, indent = 2)
    { 'list_removed': ["root[4]['b']: [3]"]}

List difference 2: Note that it DOES NOT take order into account

>>> # Note that it DOES NOT take order into account
... t1 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:{"a":"hello", "b":[1, 2, 3]}}
>>> t2 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:{"a":"hello", "b":[1, 3, 2]}}
>>> ddiff = DeepDiff(t1, t2)
>>> pprint (ddiff.changes, indent = 2)
    { }

List that contains dictionary:

>>> t1 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:{"a":"hello", "b":[1, 2, {1:1, 2:2}]}}
>>> t2 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:{"a":"hello", "b":[1, 2, {1:3}]}}
>>> ddiff = DeepDiff(t1, t2)
>>> pprint (ddiff.changes, indent = 2)
    { 'dic_item_removed': ["root[4]['b'][2][2]"],
      'values_changed': ["root[4]['b'][2][1]: 1 ====>> 3"]}
like image 36
Seperman Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10


Here is a very simple solution. It returns a list of lists containing all the first and second level dictionary keys for the elements that differ. Hope that is what you wanted :)

a = {'home':{'name': 'Team1', 'score': 0}, 'away':{'name': 'Team2', 'score': 0}}
b = {'home':{'name': 'Team1', 'score': 2}, 'away':{'name': 'Team2', 'score': 0}}

diffs = []
for i in a:
    for j in a[i]:
        if a[i][j] != b[i][j]:
            diffs += [i, j]

print diffs


like image 32
Morlock Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
