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Merge changes from one repo to another with different tree structures

I have two Git repos, foo/master and bar/master:

In foo:

    -> *some files*

In bar:

  -> *same files as above*

Now someone has made changes to *some files*... how do I get those changes merged into *same files as above*?

When I say "merged" I mean I need the history (commit messages, log hashes etc.) of the deltas to come over as well.

like image 957
RavenHursT Avatar asked Mar 03 '14 22:03


People also ask

Does merging affect both branches?

No, merging does only affect one branch.

Can we merge different branches from different repositories in a single branch?

Adaptions. If you already have a local copy of a repository containing the code, you could also use that for the merging process. You just need to make sure you do not mix up local development and merging and maybe you need to handle more remote repositories as you have some more for your development.

What would happen if you tried to merge multiple branches at once?

Short answer: there will probably be a conflict. You can tell git to resolve merges in different ways via command line arguments, but since those directions would apply to the entire commit - not just the one file where this condition is set up - you usually wouldn't want to.

1 Answers

You can split the changes out to the subtree level, and then merge with your other branch:

# from your foo project
git subtree split --prefix=dirA/dirB/ --branch=temp-branch [--onto=<onto-sub-note1>] [<commit-sub-note2>]

onto sub-note 1: It seems like since bar project exists at all, you must have copied it at some point in time, and started this as the new library, in which case, if you want all changes made after that, you'd specify this bar commit id when the changes were brought in.

commit sub-note 2: You'd then want to specify the commit id that was used when you copied the sub-project in the first place, so that you only get the changes since then to merge into the copy of bar you already have (this will maintain the history of what you missed). Use syntax like this to include the commit id itself up to the latest: 0abc210^..

You can also use --rejoin to make a commit back into your foo project, which will make it easier to push changes later if you would like to continue development on bar from withing your foo project. The commit back into foo is kind of pointless other than to help the subtree command base it's split changes more easily in the future.

After running the split command, you'll be in a branch of foo, which only has those files. From there you can do a normal merge with your bar project or start a new project and merge bar into that (since it probably doesn't have a proper history). You may want to rebase to the diverge point or something before trying to do that merge though.

Edit: Also here's the reference for git subtree commands

like image 117
johnb003 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09
