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Git deleting things mysteriously (edit: actually django-storages)

The issue: sometimes, but not every time, Git deletes the static directory of a repo. We're not sure what triggers it, but it appears to happen when either merging between branches or sometimes even just checking out branches. It does this without asking, and eats tracked files.

The background:

  • I have a (private) project which has a few branches, 'release', 'develop', multiple feature lines.
  • There are two of us (me and @stevejalim) working on the repo. This problem happens to both of us.
  • I am using purely the command line for my git commands; Steve is using a mixture of the command line and Git Tower.
  • It's a Django project with a static directory. We may have git rmed the static directory at some point in the past, or put it in .gitignore, but not recently. And the head of our develop branch doesn't have static in .gitignore and has files in static tracked.
  • This happens so infrequently that we're not sure if it's something we're doing, or an intermittent problem, a bug with Git, or a corrupted tree
  • It might happen only when merging another branch back into develop. But branches are always branched from develop and back into develop. But we're not sure.
  • We are using git-flow, but the issue happens when using non-git-flow commands, too.

  • As examples of when this can strike:

    1) Steve had a develop branch that was clean (no changes to commit or stage) and stable. He cut a new release with git flow release start|finish and in the process (possibly the back-merge from master to develop), the entire /static/ tree got deleted.

    2) Steve repaired the delete by discarding the changes (to essentially undelete the file). But then, Steve simply switched from master back to develop and the /static/ dir got zapped again (this was with Git Tower)

    3) Sometimes just merging from a feature branch to develop as an interim merge can trigger it. It does seem to happen most often when cutting a new release, though

Could it be related to how we repair the zapping of the /static/ dir? What is the best way to bulk-undelete things that have been deleted? Neither discarding local changes or a hard reset to HEAD seems to cure things. Might a rebase help us?

UPDATE We've just experienced this again simply with a git add . - no changing branches, no merging. Does that help diagnosis at all?

Here is the content of Steve's .git/config:

   repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
    ignorecase = true
[remote "origin"]
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    url = [email protected]:foobarbazbam/bar.git
[branch "master"]
    remote = origin
    merge = refs/heads/master
[gitflow "branch"]
    master = master
    develop = develop
[gitflow "prefix"]
    feature = feature/
    release = release/
    hotfix = hotfix/
    support = support/
    versiontag = 
[difftool "tower"]
    cmd = \"/Applications/Tower.app/Contents/Resources/CompareScripts/kaleidoscope.sh\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"

Here is the content of .gitignore:

like image 295
Joe Avatar asked Feb 06 '12 10:02


1 Answers

Okay ladies and gents I have a public apology to make. Git was not to blame. I will leave this question here as a lesson to other people who may pass the same way.

We were using the django-storages backend (a 'plugin' to enable Django to store files on Amazon S3 transparently). This has a test called HashPathStorageTest. The tear-down this test deletes settings.MEDIA_ROOT, which was set to ./static. This is faulty, in my opinion. It has no business blanket-deleting files that it didn't create.

We were running our tests, like good citizens, before checking in. Most of the time we ran only tests for our code, but occasionally we ran tests for the whole project (including 3rd party plugins). This was producing the behaviour in the question. Because we ran test and git things together, it wasn't easy to pin down which command was doing the deleting (and the deleted files only showed up when we ran git status).

So problem solved. Again, sorry for casting aspersions on the good name of Git!

like image 152
Joe Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10
