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Maven Could not resolve dependencies, artifacts could not be resolved




People also ask

How do I resolve a missing jar in Maven repository?

Look in your . m2 directory (use the paths which you see in the dialog above) and check whether the files are there or whether they are really missing. If they are missing, run "mvn install" (see the "Run as..." menu) to download them.

Why Maven dependencies are not showing in IntelliJ?

If the dependencies weren't imported correctly (IntelliJ IDEA highlights them), try to perform the following actions: You can check your local maven repository in the Maven | Repositories settings and try to update it. You can check the jar file of the local . m2 repository to see if it was downloaded correctly.

Looks like you are missing some Maven repos. Ask for your friend's .m2/settings.xml, and you'll probably want to update the POM to include the repositories there.

--edit: after some quick googling, try adding this to your POM:

    <name>SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - SpringSource Bundle Releases</name>
    <name>SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - External Bundle Releases</name>

mvn clean install -U

Solved my problem. Since the repos were cached, I needed to force it to get latest version.

Maven kept your files on cache, and don't retry to download them. You can simply manually 'help' him by deleting the .m2 directory, and then our friend will download everything over the old dependencies.

The artifactId for all the dependencies that failed to download are incorrect - for some reason they are prefixed with com.springsource. Cut/paste issue?

You can try replacing them as follows.


You may also want to add the maven central repository for these artifacts in case they are not available in the specified repositories.
