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Downloading all maven dependencies to a directory NOT in repository?

People also ask

How can I download all the dependency files?

If you want do download them all, you can try using mvn dependency:copy-dependencies . Then, you'll find all project dependencies in target/dependencies directory of your project. This also includes transitive dependencies. To add them all as eclipse dependencies, you may want to try maven-eclipse-plugin .

How do I force Maven to download dependencies from remote repository?

Force maven to fetch dependencies from the remote repository while building the project. We can use -U/--update-snapshots flag when building a maven project to force maven to download dependencies from the remote repository.

How Maven dependencies are downloaded and stored?

When you run a Maven build, then Maven automatically downloads all the dependency jars into the local repository. It helps to avoid references to dependencies stored on remote machine every time a project is build. Maven local repository by default get created by Maven in %USER_HOME% directory.

The maven dependency plugin can potentially solve your problem.

If you have a pom with all your project dependencies specified, all you would need to do is run

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies

and you will find the target/dependencies folder filled with all the dependencies, including transitive.

Adding Gustavo's answer from below: To download the dependency sources, you can use

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -Dclassifier=sources

(via Apache Maven Dependency Plugin doc).

I finally figured out a how to use Maven. From within Eclipse, create a new Maven project.

Download Maven, extract the archive, add the /bin folder to path.

Validate install from command-line by running mvn -v (will print version and java install path)

Change to the project root folder (where pom.xml is located) and run:

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies

All jar-files are downloaded to /target/dependency.

To set another output directory:

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -DoutputDirectory="c:\temp"

Now it's possible to re-use this Maven-project for all dependency downloads by altering the pom.xml

Add jars to java project by build path -> configure build path -> libraries -> add JARs..

Based on @Raghuram answer, I find a tutorial on Copying project dependencies, Just:

  1. Open your project pom.xml file and find this:

  2. Than replace the <plugins> ... </plugins> with:

  3. And call maven within the command line mvn dependency:copy-dependencies

After it finishes, it will create the folder target/dependency within all the jar's dependencies on the current directory where the pom.xml lives.

I found the next command

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -Dclassifier=sources

here maven.apache.org