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Specifying Maven's local repository location as a CLI parameter



People also ask

Is it possible to change the location of maven local repository?

You can change the default location of . m2 directory in m2. conf file. It resides in your maven installation directory.

Which of the below is the correct location of maven's local repository?

Maven local repository is located in your local system. It is created by the maven when you run any maven command. By default, maven local repository is %USER_HOME%/. m2 directory.

Can you override the default location path for maven local repository?

The answer above is correct. You can use the "-Dmaven.

use maven property maven.repo.local:

mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=$HOME/.my/other/repository clean install

No modifications to settings.xml are necessary.

For git:

alias mvn='mvn "-Dmaven.repo.local=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.m2/repository"'

This uses a separate maven repository in each git repository

One kind of hacky way that would work is:

  1. Add <localRepository>${m2.localRepository}</localRepository> to your settings.xml
  2. In your mvn.sh or mvn.bat, add -Dm2.localRepository=<full path to home dir>/.m2/repository before the "$@" in the command that gets executed. This will make your default local repo stay where it should be.
  3. Now you can use mvn -Dm2.localRepository=... <phases/goals>. Because your command line system property gets added to the command line after the one in the mvn script, it will take precedence. (At least I'm pretty sure it works that way on both windows and linux, but testing will tell.)