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make ignores my python bash alias




My CentOS 5.5 server has both Python 2.4 and Python 2.7 installed (to /opt/python2.7.2). In my ~/.bash_profile I have two aliases pointing to my Python 2.7 install and my PATH configured as:

alias python=/opt/python2.7.2/bin/python
alias python2.7=/opt/python2.7.2/bin/python

There's also a symbolic link I created as well:

ln -sf /opt/python2.7.2/bin/python /usr/bin/python2.7

I have a Makefile which has the following lines:

        python setup.py build

To my surprise I found that Python 2.4 is being invoked and not Python 2.7.

I have to explicitly specify python2.7:

        python2.7 setup.py build

Are bash aliases ignored by make? I am guessing make uses PATH to locate the first python executable (which happens to be Python 2.4) instead?

like image 504
Kev Avatar asked Oct 26 '11 00:10


3 Answers

From bash(1):

   Aliases are not expanded when the shell is not interactive,
   unless the expand_aliases shell option is set using shopt
   (see the description of shopt under SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS

While you might be able to use something like SHELL=/bin/bash -O expand_aliases in your Makefile, I think keeping an explicit dependency upon the newer Python in your Makefile is much better than keeping the dependency hidden in your user ~/.bash_profile file.

Instead, put PYTHON=/opt/python2.7/bin/python into your Makefile, and then you can just use:

    $(PYTHON) setup.py build

in your rules.

The best part is you can easily change which Python interpreter you use on the command line:

make PYTHON=/tmp/python-beta/bin/python pythonbuild

If you deploy it to another site, it is just one line in the Makefile that needs to be updated.

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sarnold Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10


aliases are typically just used by interactive shells

Note only that, I think that make does not always invoke the shell Your best bet is to be explicit about the paths you want to use

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nhed Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10


Workaround with grep and awk:

The advantage of this solution is that if I change the alias in the ~/.bash_profil or ~/.bashrc, it is automatically adopted by my makefile as well.


I want to use the alias lcw in my makefile, which is defined like in my ~/.bashrc file.


alias lcw='/mnt/disk7/LCW/productiveVersion/lcw.out'

I use also the definition of a varialble as presented in the other solutions, but I directly read its value from the bashrc by using grep and awk.


LCW= $(shell grep alias\ lcw= ~/.bashrc | awk -F"'" '{print $$2}')

.PHONY: std

As you see the lcw alias is called by the command $(LCW) from the makefile.


My solution assumes that the alias in the bashrc is defined within ' ' characters.

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Markus Dutschke Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10

Markus Dutschke