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Make Background Black for screen other than popup div

I have following div which i am showing as popup:

    <div id="divOperationMessage" style="background-color: White; border: 2px solid black;
            display: block;  width: 350px; z-index: 1001; top: 60px; left: 240px; position: fixed; 
            padding-left: 10px;margin:auto;">

------------------Whatever content inside-----------------------------


When its shown, i can easily view other part of screen in the main background.

Its viewing as below:

enter image description here

(Entry updated sucessfully is popup div above)

I dont want to show background screen when poup is there.

I want to make it black..

How can i make it black??

I tried with setting opacity to 0.75 ... but that prooved misconceptual...did not solved my purpose..

What can i do for it???

Please help me.

like image 321
C Sharper Avatar asked Apr 24 '14 10:04

C Sharper

People also ask

How do I make the background inactive when inline pop raised?

Hi, You will need to use the z-index property and set it to highest value for your popup. Then you can create a div tag which will be equal to the width/height of the page and set its background to gray color. Set the z-index property of the div to something less than the popup's value.

2 Answers

Here you go!

Here's the HTML code:

<div id="overlay">
  <div id="pop-up">
    Content in Pop-up.

And here's the CSS code:

#overlay {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  background-color: #000000;
  display: none;

#pop-up {
  background-color: white;
  border: 2px solid black;
  display: block;
  width: 350px;
  z-index: 1001;
  top: 60px;
  left: 240px;
  position: fixed; 
  padding-left: 10px;
  margin: auto;

Hope this helps!

like image 122
KM123 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09


Here is what I would do:

Create a fixed div with 100% width and height;

put the popup div inside this fixed overlay and center it horizontally and vertically.

<div class="overlay">
    <div class="popup">
        Whatever code!!


    background-color: black;


Update 2020: I would use 100vh and 100vw as it is widely supported. Centering the popup would be done with CSS Grid Layout and aligning the box to center.

    background-color: black;
like image 30
sabithpocker Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09
