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Meteor Update collection - Uncaught Error: Not permitted. Untrusted code may only update documents by ID. [403]

I am Learnign Meteor and came across this situation i was following along a Meteor tutorial on tuts plus. the code is exactly the same in video the update of collection occurs but in my browser it shows this error:

Uncaught Error: Not permitted. Untrusted code may only update documents by ID. [403]

The code is here:

'click': function (e, t) {
  Session.set("edit-"+ t.data._id, true);
'keypress input': function(e,t){
  if(e.keyCode === 13){

    var docid = Session.get("edit-"+ this._id);
    People.update(t.data, {$set: {name: e.currentTarget.value}});
    Session.set("edit-"+ t.data._id, false);
like image 262
monk Avatar asked Nov 26 '13 13:11


1 Answers

For code that runs on the client side/browser side you can only use an _id field as the query. On the server you can run it as you please.

Modify your code so you get the document first then use its _id to perform an update.

var person = People.findOne(t.data);

People.update({_id: person._id}, {$set: {name: e.currentTarget.value}});

I assume t.data is some kind of query? If its an _id try using {_id: t.data as the query instead. Either way so long as the selector of the update only uses an _id it should be fine.

The reason this might work on the tutorial you're following is this change was introduced more recently to lock down security.

like image 134
Tarang Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10
