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Long Polling on HttpClient result and streaming into the CSV file

Question 1: How do I implement the same behavior? But instead of Observable.interval it will be invoked by callbacks.

For example: I have 5000ms interval but my server is extremely slow, and it doesn't get back the result after 5000ms. But the next call is invoked after 5000ms. I don't want it like that. I would like after the result is return from the server it will invoke the next call.

Question 2: How do I stream the result immediately to csv file without creating multiple files one after another. For this current implementation I use FileSaver which works in IE11. I would like to continue using it. Is there a way to stream data to file instead of collecting it into the array, cause I have large dataset's. Like 1m rows and so... Example:

const progress = Observable.interval(1000)
  .switchMap(() => this.messageService.getResults(query))
  .map(messageResult => messageResult)
  .subscribe((data: MessagesResult) => {
    inProcess = true;
    if (!data.isMoreResults && data.auditMessageList.length === 0) {
      this.fileSaver.save(`result.csv`, csvData);
      inProcess = false;
      this.logger.info('Download file finished...');
    const start = this.filterModel.offset * this.filterModel.limit;
    const rows = [...csvData];
    rows.splice(start, 0, ...data.auditMessageList);
    csvData = rows;
    if (inProcess) {
      this.logger.info('Exporting in progress...');
  }, error => this.logger.error(error));


like image 325
hackp0int Avatar asked Mar 05 '23 16:03


1 Answers

As you have found out using Observable.interval won't 'wait' for the rest of the stream.

I generally use repeatWhen with delay

const progress = Observable.defer(() => this.messageService.getResults(query))
  .repeatWhen(notifications => notifications.delay(1000)) 

Here is working example: https://jsfiddle.net/a0rz6nLv/19/

I don't understand the rest of you code very well.

Don't use progress.unsubscribe(); in subscribe method. Instead consider using takeWhile or takeUntil - both will complete the observable for you.

.takeWhile(data => data.isMoreResults  data.auditMessageList.length > 0)

Also buffering results can be done for example by using reduce or toArray

.reduce((accumulator, data) => data.auditMessageList.concat(accumulator), [])

Side effects are best handled by do operator

  next: () => {
    inProgress = true;
    this.logger.info('Exporting in progress...');
  complete: () => {
    inProgress = false;
    this.logger.info('Download file finished...');

Regarding second question - I don't know - you should be able to stream csv from the server. If you cannot modify the server maybe someone else will know how to do it on client...

like image 196
m1ch4ls Avatar answered Apr 08 '23 19:04
