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Testing ModalController Ionic 3 spyOn method not called

I am trying to test a method that launch a modal, has anybody done this before, can someone perhaps point me in the right direction?? I have written the following test suite.

describe('bdb modal provider test suite', () => {

let bdbModal: BdbModalProvider;
let modal: Modal;
let modalCtrl: ModalController;

beforeEach(() => {
        providers: [
            { provide: ModalController, useClass: ModalControllerMock }
    bdbModal = TestBed.get(BdbModalProvider);
    modalCtrl = TestBed.get(ModalController);

beforeEach(() => {
    modal = modalCtrl.create('ModalErrorPage', {});

it('should launch error modal', () => {
    spyOn(modal, 'present');
    bdbModal.launchErrModal('testing', 'error modal', 'OK');

this is the error log:

should launch error modal bdb modal provider test suite Expected spy present to have been called. at UserContext. (webpack:///src/providers/bdb-modal/bdb-modal.spec.ts:31:30 <- test-config/karma-test-shim.js:140545:31)

like image 294
Jhonycage Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 00:03


1 Answers

1. Create Spy of modal and modal controller.

    modalSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('Modal', ['present']);
    modalCtrlSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ModalController', ['create']);
    modalCtrlSpy.create.and.callFake(function () {
        return modalSpy;

2. Add it's entry in test bed as below:


      declarations: [

      providers: [

          provide: ModalController,
          useValue: modalCtrlSpy

      imports: [



3. Test case should be like below:

it('#display() should display modal', () => {
like image 143
Yuvraj Patil Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 09:03

Yuvraj Patil