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How to remove dist files in Angular 6?

I want to deploy my angular project i generated dist file in my src folder like this

ng build

Before deploying I decided to add some functionality to my page :

Question Is it posible to update dist files by doing like this?

ng serve update /dist dir

if false I want to delete the dist file and create another one so that it can be update with all folders, this is what I wanna do

ng serve remove /dist dir

Is this the right way of removing dist files ?

like image 760
The Dead Man Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 23:03

The Dead Man

2 Answers

Simplest solution on Windows

rd /s dist 

and on Linux

rm -r dist
like image 97
Kamil Naja Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 13:03

Kamil Naja

Since you are using package.json AND to be operating system safe I recommend rimraf. It's not only about Windows vs Linux. Also about Linux Distribution vs Linux Distribution, changing access rights, etc. You are safe with this extra layer of abstraction.


npm install rimraf

In your scripts section of package.json add it as first command and append what ever you want to do after the &&:

"scripts": {
    "ng": "rimraf /dist && ng build"

Invoke the build/serve:

npm run ng

ng is what you defined as your script execution identifier.

like image 38
feder Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 13:03
