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Load timestamp in MatDatepicker from Cloud Firestore | Firebase

Does not load date returned from Cloud Firestore.

After I made the dependencies updates from package.json to the latest versions, I had a change that impacted a lot on my application in Angular 6.

I can not load a value of type Timestamp into a field of type DatePicker returned by the Cloud Firestore.

Before I upgrade I was returning an object of type Date () and after the updates is returning a Cloud Firestore Timestamp.

I believe there was some change in the type returned by Firebase in this update.

The Datepicker field must receive a Date () object, not a Timestamp.

I would have to traverse all records returned from the Cloud Firestore and call the toDate () method to get the Date () object and load it into DatePicker.

Is there a way to change the typing of Datepicker to Timestamp? Otherwise I can not receive a value of type Timestamp from Cloud Firestore.

enter image description here


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like image 380
Luiz Ricardo Cardoso Avatar asked Jun 03 '18 22:06

Luiz Ricardo Cardoso

People also ask

How do I convert firestore timestamp to date?

firestore. Timestamp. fromDate to convert the a date to a Firestore timestamp. We call toDate on the timestamp object to convert it back to a JavaScript date.

What is the format of firestore timestamp?

firestore. Timestamp. A Timestamp represents a point in time independent of any time zone or calendar, represented as seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution in UTC Epoch time. It is encoded using the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar which extends the Gregorian calendar backwards to year one.

Video Answer

1 Answers

Luiz, I came across your question just now as I'm upgrading an old app and coming across this same problem.

For me I'm only dealing with one date at a time and so I use the toDate() method on the Timestamp to allow the datepicker to consume it. Try to see if there's a way you can do this en masse (I'm sure you've long since solved this problem, but wanting to post in case anyone else finds this helpful).

In saving updates to the database I can save them back as Timestamps by using firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(myDateValue).

https://medium.com/@Idan_Co/using-firebase-timestamp-with-angular-bootstraps-datepicker-317336be9923 may be helpful in gaining further understanding as it was instrumental in helping me out.

like image 105
Jacob Bowdoin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09

Jacob Bowdoin