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Nodemon and Redwood-Broker

I am running Nodemon in an express app, and I've done no special configuration; in my package.json I have this:

"scripts": {
  "start:dev": "nodemon app/app.js"

Everything goes fine until I make changes, and Nodemon goes to restart. I get an EADDRINUSE error, so I'll try and restart completely and I get the same error.

After this, I started checking for anything running on port 3001 (which is what Nodemon is supposed to run on), and get something like the following output:

$ lsof -i :3001
node    54343    myUserName   11u  IPv6 0x1bdae98886f3261d      0t0  TCP *:redwood-broker (LISTEN)

If I kill that process, I can finally restart Nodemon, but the same thing will happen the next time I make changes to the files being watched by Nodemon.

After scouring the Internet, I've seen some mentions of redwood-broker, but nothing helpful so far. Has anyone seen this behavior with Nodemon?

I'm using the following:

Express 4.16.2

Nodemon version 1.15.1

2016 MacBook Pro with Sierra 10.12.6

Any help is greatly appreciated!

like image 915
hhoburg Avatar asked Mar 22 '18 22:03


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1 Answers

This issue happens to a few people. You could do below to try:

Option 1:

sudo pkill node

Option 2:

  1. sudo lsof -i :5955

Then kill the process which is currently running on the port using its PID

  1. sudo kill -9 PID

Hope it helps

like image 142
Anh Tran Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10

Anh Tran