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Linq - left join on multiple (OR) conditions




I need to do a left join on multiple conditions where the conditions are ORs rather than ANDs. I've found lots of samples of the latter but am struggling to get the right answer for my scenario.

from a in tablea join b in tableb on new { a.col1, a.col2 } equals new { b.col1, b.col2 } group a by a into g select new () { col1 = a.col1, col2 = a.col2, count = g.Count() } 

works great for joins where all conditions must match. I need to get the join to match on a.col1 = b.col1 OR a.col2 = b.col2.

I know it must be easy but I've coming up blank on this!


To give a little more info, the purpose of the query is to get a projection containing all of the fields from 'a' plus a count of the matching records in 'b'. I've amended the sample above to try and illustrate what I'm after. When I run with the above using the approach Jon Skeet has noted I'm getting a count of all records from a, not the count of the related records in b.

The basic left join works fine:

from a in tablea from b in tableb .Where( b => ( a.col1 == b.col1 || a.col2 == b.col2)) .DefaultIfEmpty() select new { col1 = a.col1, col2 = a.col2 } 

If I revise it to add the grouping as below

from a in tablea from b in tableb .Where( b => ( a.col1 == b.col1 || a.col2 == b.col2)) .DefaultIfEmpty() group a by a.col1 into g select new { col1 = g.Key, count = g.Count() } 

I'm getting the count of the records returned from a - not the count of records in matching in b.


I'll give the answer to Jon - I've solved my count issue - I hadn't realized I could use a lamda to filter the count (g.Count(x => x != null)). Plus I need to group b by a rather than a by a as I had above. This gives the correct result but the SQL is not as efficient as I'd write it by hand as it adds a correlated sub query - if anyone can advise a better way of writing it to simulate the following SQL I'd appreciate it!

select a.col1, count(b.col1) from tablea a left join tableb b on a.col1 = b.col1 or a.col2 = b.col2 group by a.col1 
like image 977
Chris W Avatar asked Aug 12 '09 08:08

Chris W

1 Answers

LINQ only directly supports equijoins. If you want to do any other kind of join, you basically need a cross-join and where:

from a in tablea from b in tableb where a.col1 == b.col1 || a.col2 == b.col2 select ... 

It's probably worth checking what the generated SQL looks like and what the query plan is like. There may be more efficient ways of doing it, but this is probably the simplest approach.

like image 52
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 10:09

Jon Skeet