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Add to Collection if Not Null




I have a very large object with many nullable-type variables. I also have a dictionary which I want to fill up with this object's non-null variables.

The code will look something like this

if (myObject.whatever != null) { myDictionary.Add("...",myObject.whatever); } if (myObject.somethingElse != null) { myDictionary.Add("...",myObject.somethingElse);  ... 

EDIT (Sorry messed up the code)

When we repeat this for the umpteenth time we get a mess of very long code. Is there some shorter way I could write this mess? I know about the Conditional Operator (aka ?) but that's just for assignments. Is there something like that for adding to a collection?

like image 726
Aabela Avatar asked Jul 26 '12 12:07


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1 Answers

How about an extension method for your dictionary?

public static void AddIfNotNull<T,U>(this Dictionary<T,U> dic, T key, U value)  where U : class {     if (value != null) { dic.Add(key, value); } } 

You could then do this:

like image 109
Botz3000 Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 18:10
