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Learning ExtJS4 [closed]




I'd like to use ExtJS4 for my next project. However, I'm new to Ext and not that well versed in Javascript's finer points either.

There are a couple good books about ExtJS3 available. Should I learn from those old books first and then apply the knowledge to v4 or has the API changed so much that there is no point in learning the old one first?

If not, what's the best way to learn for an Ext newbie?

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zeroc8 Avatar asked Jun 15 '11 14:06


2 Answers

If you're wanting to learn ExtJS 4 right now then you're going to struggle for any good books on the subject because its only about 6 weeks since it was released.

There are great guides on the Sencha Website on how to migrate from ExtJS 3 -> 4 (this one for example) which might help you along the way if you choose to tackle 3 before 4.

In my honest opinion, the quickest way to learn ExtJS is to pick an example from the Sencha website and have a play around with it.

ExtJS 3 is a lot easier to learn than ExtJS 4 in my humble opinion. I've been using ExtJS for 3 years and thought that 4 was a big switch in thinking.

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JamesHalsall Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10


I finally completed a Tutorial series that demonstrates how to use the new MVC pattern and associations classes of ExtJS-4 with CouchDB by means of Peter Muller's software patch. The series includes an introductory write-up, several video screencasts, and some other resources. You can read all about it and view the screencasts here:


I probably made some mistakes and perhaps mis-spoke here and there, so please feel free to offer constructive criticism. You can post comments on my Blog post. My intention is to help both CouchDB users and/or ExtJS-4 users get a jump start with building an MVC client/server CRUD application using document databases as an alternative to relational databases.

Peter Muller created a software patch for ExtJS-4 and Sencha Touch that makes working with de-normalized databases much easier. I find it is a very maintainable solution for me. If Peter's software patch is something that will work for you, please request from Sencha devs that the patch be integrated into an official release of ExtJS-4 and Sencha Touch in the future. The thread is being watched by Ed Spencer, as he is curious to see the demand. To add your voice, get the patch, or report issues, please post a comment in Peter's thread here:


Hope this fills a need... Thanks.

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Shane Avery Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10

Shane Avery