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Latex, NO section number in TOC but visible in the actual section heading



I am writing a document where I do not want subsection numbering to show in the TOC (I want the subsection heading visible in the TOC) but I want the subsection numbering to show in the actual document heading.

This is what I want

Table of Contents
1. Chapter One
 1.1 Section One
       SubSection One

Chapter 1
Chapter One
Some chapter text

1.1 Section One
Some text

1.1.1 Subsection One
Some text

I tried using \setcounter{secnumdepth}{1} but this removes the number even from the section heading so what I have is,

Table of Contents
1. Chapter One
 1.1 Section One
       SubSection One

Chapter 1
Chapter One
Some chapter text

1.1 Section One
Some text

Subsection One
Some text

Is it possible to get the section number in the document heading but not in the TOC entry?

like image 903
nbz Avatar asked Oct 20 '10 14:10


People also ask

How do I remove section numbers from table of contents in LaTeX?

If you'd prefer your sections, subsection, and so forth to be displayed without numbers on the left side of the title, you simply add a * symbol to the command. (Note that section headings created this way will not be listed in the table of contents \tableofcontents.)

How do I add a section of a table without a number in LaTeX?

If you want to simply have a section that is not numbered, but still appears in your table of contents, just combine the use of the asterik in the sectioning command and the \addcontentsline command.

How do I show subsections in a table of contents in LaTeX?

By default, the \subsubsection heading has no numbering and it is also not shown in the Table of Contents. To put numbering and to show the subsubsection in table of contents, we need to define the counter value of tocdepth and secnumdepth in the preamble of your LaTeX document using \setcounter .

2 Answers

In a latex example (using the "article" class), I get this in the .toc file:

\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}test section without number}{1}{section.1}

The important part here is the \numberline macro. Redefining it to something empty like


will remove all numberings in the toc and not elsewhere. If you get something like \tocsubsection instead in the .toc (see other answer), then you can probably do something like:


However, this removes all numbers in the table of contents. If you want to control at which level the numbering disappear, the \contentsline macro expands to different macros depending on the context, e.g., \l@section. Those macros in turn use the generic \@dottedtocline macro. This is the one you need to modify, in which we will conditionally redefine \numberline.

To have control on the depth at which to stop displaying numbers, let us define a new counter:


Then the conditional redefinition will be following line (extracted from the code for more readability).

 \ifnum #1>\c@sectocnonumdepth \def\numberline##1{}\fi%

I simply copy-pasted the definition of \@dottedtocline from the latex.ltx source file, and added the check inside. Here is the code for the whole example:


  \ifnum #1>\c@tocdepth \else
    \vskip \z@ \@plus.2\p@
    {\ifnum #1>\c@sectocnonumdepth \def\numberline##1{}\fi%
     \leftskip #2\relax \rightskip \@tocrmarg \parfillskip -\rightskip
     \parindent #2\relax\@afterindenttrue
     \@tempdima #3\relax
     \advance\leftskip \@tempdima \null\nobreak\hskip -\leftskip
        \mkern \@dotsep mu\hbox{.}\mkern \@dotsep
     \hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hfil\normalfont \normalcolor #5}%

Final note: this will make the title of section and subsection to start at the same horizontal position, since there is no number to display. If you want more padding, you can for instance add \quad to the new definition of \numberline, or to even use the original definition with just the #1 removed:

like image 174
Sparshong Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11


I'm not sure of a programmatic way of doing this, but I do know that you can go into the generated *.toc file for your document and remove the section number argument for the section that you want to suppress.

You can change this:

\contentsline {subsection}{\tocsubsection {}{1.1}{subsection one}}{1}

To this:

\contentsline {subsection}{\tocsubsection {}{}{subsection one}}{1}

Which will generate what you want. Watch out, this gets regenerated each time you compile your tex source.

like image 44
mjcarroll Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11
