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Glossaries with Pandoc (+ LaTeX)




I'm trying to create a glossary using Pandoc with Markdown in, PDF (/LaTeX) out. I've followed the documentation here which uses the glossaries library. Everything seems to be working, except actually printing out the glossary! And yes, I have \printglossaries in my template.

The documentation there mentions

File processing must now include a call to makeglossaries followed by at least one further invocation of latex or pdflatex.

which...I haven't done, because I don't know how. Is there a canonical or easy way to run latex or pdflatex again, as it says, using pandoc?

What I've done so far:

  1. Made a copy of the default template (using pandoc -D latex) and added this right after $body$, before the bibliography stuff:

  2. Updated my main doc YAML metadata to include glossary: true.

  3. My header-includes section looks like this:

        - \usepackage{glossaries}
        - \makeglossaries
        - \newglossaryentry{foo}{name=bar, description={baz}}
  4. In the document I have \gls{foo} in an arbitrary location near the beginning, which does get hyperlinked, just...to nowhere.
  5. Compile using pandoc --standalone --template=aui.latex my_document.md -o my_document.pdf.

I've also tried without the conditional glossary variable stuff, just in case that's what was breaking things, but there's no change.

like image 967
Max Avatar asked Feb 27 '17 01:02


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1 Answers

If you use option 1 from section 4 of the glossaries beginners guide to show your glossary, you will not need multiple invocations of pdflatex. It should compile ok with a single run.

Also if you want to use a less latexy syntax in your markdown files you can use the filter I wrote: pandoc-gls. The pandoc-gls repo also has an example meta section setup for the option 1 mentioned above.

like image 89
Tom Cooper Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 09:09

Tom Cooper