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Laravel Eloquent: Ordering results of all()

You can actually do this within the query.

$results = Project::orderBy('name')->get();

This will return all results with the proper order.

You could still use sortBy (at the collection level) instead of orderBy (at the query level) if you still want to use all() since it returns a collection of objects.

Ascending Order

$results = Project::all()->sortBy("name");

Descending Order

$results = Project::all()->sortByDesc("name");

Check out the documentation about Collections for more details.


In addition, just to buttress the former answers, it could be sorted as well either in descending desc or ascending asc orders by adding either as the second parameter.

$results = Project::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();


$results = Project::orderBy('name')->get();

Why? Because it's fast! The ordering is done in the database.


$results = Project::all()->sortBy('name');

Why? Because it's slow. First, the the rows are loaded from the database, then loaded into Laravel's Collection class, and finally, ordered in memory.

2017 update

Laravel 5.4 added orderByDesc() methods to query builder:

$results = Project::orderByDesc('name')->get();

While you need result for date as desc

$results = Project::latest('created_at')->get();

Check out the sortBy method for Eloquent: http://laravel.com/docs/eloquent