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Laravel: Get base URL

People also ask

Where is base URL in laravel?

To access a named route, you could use the following: echo route('posts'); This would check your routes file and return the correct route with name posts , e.g. https://yourdomain.com/posts . Alternatively to the url() helper, you could use the URL facade.

How do I find the base URL?

To find the base URL of your website, go to the site's front page. What you see in the address bar on your site's front page is the base URL of your website.

What is URL () in laravel?

url() Generates an absolute URL to the given path (code)Preserves any URL query string. {{ url('search') }} // http://www.example.com/search {{ url('search', ['qevo', 'laravel']) }} // http://www.example.com/search/qevo/laravel.

How set API base URL in laravel?

You can use that code but replace the line $generator->forceSchema('https'); in the provider boot method, with $generator->forceRootUrl(Request::getScheme() . '://www.yourdomain.com'); . And now your URL should be generated like you want.

You can use the URL facade which lets you do calls to the URL generator

So you can do:


You can also use the application container:


Or inject the UrlGenerator:

namespace Vendor\Your\Class\Namespace;

use Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator;

class Classname
    protected $url;

    public function __construct(UrlGenerator $url)
        $this->url = $url;

    public function methodName()

Laravel < 5.2

echo url();

Laravel >= 5.2

echo url('/');

Hope this helps you

For Laravel 5 I normally use:

<a href="{{ url('/path/uri') }}">Link Text</a>

I'm of the understanding that using the url() function is calling the same Facade as URL::to()

Updates from 2018 Laravel release(5.7) documentation with some more url() functions and it's usage.

Question: To get the site's URL in Laravel?

This is kind of a general question, so we can split it.

1. Accessing The Base URL

// Get the base URL.
echo url('');

// Get the app URL from configuration which we set in .env file.
echo config('app.url'); 

2. Accessing The Current URL

// Get the current URL without the query string.
echo url()->current();

// Get the current URL including the query string.
echo url()->full();

// Get the full URL for the previous request.
echo url()->previous();

3. URLs For Named Routes

// http://example.com/home
echo route('home');

4. URLs To Assets(Public)

// Get the URL to the assets, mostly the base url itself.
echo asset('');

5. File URLs

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

$url = Storage::url('file.jpg'); // stored in /storage/app/public
echo url($url);

Each of these methods may also be accessed via the URL facade:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL;

echo URL::to(''); // Base URL
echo URL::current(); // Current URL

How to call these Helper functions from blade Template(Views) with usage.

// http://example.com/login
{{ url('/login') }}

// http://example.com/css/app.css
{{ asset('css/app.css') }}

// http://example.com/login
{{ route('login') }}

// usage

<!-- Styles -->
<link href="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- Login link -->
<a class="nav-link" href="{{ route('login') }}">Login</a>

<!-- Login Post URL -->
<form method="POST" action="{{ url('/login') }}">