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How to comment in laravel .env file?

People also ask

Can I have comments in .env file?

You can add a comment in . env by starting a line with a hash (#) symbol. E.g. Lines started from # detected as comments.

How do I comment multiple lines in an .env file?

env file. As you said, the only way to comment is at line level with the # character. A workaround would be looking for a shortcut in your IDE to employ multi-line editing (e.g. use Shift + Alt + Arrow Keys on Visual Studio Code in Linux).

You use hash commenting:

# Test Settings

# Live Settings

Documentation: https://github.com/vlucas/phpdotenv#comments

Please note that as of Laravel 5.8 comment parsing in values has changed.

In Laravel 5.7 an .env file containing ENV_VALUE=foo#bar would evaluate to foo#bar.

In Laravel 5.8 the same .env file would evaluate to foo instead, with #bar being seen as a comment.

To use the # character in a value, double quote the entire value like so ENV_VALUE="foo#bar".

Laravel use the vlucas/phpdotenv package to parse .env file.

So according to the doc, you can comment like this:

# Test Settings

# Live Settings

Since Laravel 5.8, you can do something like this:


will return:

env('ENV_VALUE1'); // foo
env('ENV_VALUE2'); // foo#bar

The phpdotenv package that is used to parse .env files has released a new major version, which may impact the results returned from the env helper. Specifically, the # character in an unquoted value will now be considered a comment instead of part of the value: