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JS while loop array[i++]. How does it work?

I'm wondering how it works. I guess that "right[r++]" increments "r" in while loop. Or it shows which element of "right" we push to "result"?

function merge(left, right){
  var result = [],
      lLen = left.length,
      rLen = right.length,
      l = 0,
      r = 0;
  while(l < lLen && r < rLen){
     if(left[l] < right[r]){
  return result.concat(left.slice(l)).concat(right.slice(r));

Thank you.

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Tima Tru Avatar asked Jan 14 '16 18:01

Tima Tru

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1 Answers


is essentially shorthand for

r = r + 1;

The ++ operator after the variable returns the variable's value before it gets incremented.

For comparison, using it before the variable


would achieve the same result as

r = r + 1;
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Lucas Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10
