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Creating global variables in Vuejs

i am creating an application in VueJS and i would like to create a service or global variable which stores if the client is making a request to the server. I have been thinking in configure an interruptor which sets the global variable to true when is making a request, and when the request is finished sets the variable to false.

So when i use a loader component it shows only when the variable is true.


// As i do
<form @submit.prevent="save">
        <h2>{{ $t('organization.labels.organization')}}</h2>
        <div class="row">
          <div class="col m6 s12" v-if="$route.name == 'organization'"> 
            <form-input-text :title="$t('organization.labels.client_number')" :model.sync="form.client.client_number" ></form-input-text>
          <div class="col m6 s12">
            <div class="center" v-if="loader.is_loading">
              <br> <small>{{ $t('organization.labels.loading')}}</small>

// As it should work
<form @submit.prevent="save">
        <h2>{{ $t('organization.labels.organization')}}</h2>
        <div class="row">
          <div class="col m6 s12" v-if="$route.name == 'organization'"> 
            <form-input-text :title="$t('organization.labels.client_number')" :model.sync="form.client.client_number" ></form-input-text>
          <div class="col m6 s12">
            <div class="center" v-if="$loader.is_loading"> <== $loader
              <br> <small>{{ $t('organization.labels.loading')}}</small>

Any idea?? The main idea is to have to create a variable is_loading, for each view to know if the user is requesting for something.

like image 545
csantana Avatar asked Jan 11 '16 23:01


1 Answers

the answer was to create a variable is_loading in the my app.vue which it is the app container ($root).

  <div id="app">
    <div class="main-container">
    <!-- <binnacle-footer></binnacle-footer> -->


  import UserProvider from 'users/provider/User.provider'
  import session from 'session/index'
  export default {
    data() {
        loader : {
          is_loading : false
    methods :{
        var self = this;
        self.$root.loader.is_loading = true;
        self.$root.loader.is_loading = false;
          self.current_user = user;
          self.$root.loader.is_loading = false;


and then you must only call it wherever you want by using $root.


like image 99
csantana Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09
