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jQuery Ajax post not passing parameters

I'm attempting to use jQuery's $.ajax() function to post form variables to an MVC route. Problem is, when the code hits my MVC action, all of the parameters are null, even though data is being passed to them:


$(function () {
    $('#signupform').submit(function (e) {

        if ($(this).valid()) {
            var postData = '{name : "' + $("#Name").val() + '", email : "' + $("#Email").val() + '", message : "' + $("#Message").val() + '" }';

                url: "/api/contact-form-post",
                data: postData,
                type: "get"
            .complete(function (data) {

calling alert(postData) outputs the following:

{name : "Scott Smith", email : "scott@smith.com", message : "test message" }

MVC Action:

public JsonResult ContactFormPost(string email, string name = "" , string message = "")

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                InsertContactMessage(email, name, message);

            return Json(true);

Using FireBug to examine the request reveals that this is the URL that's being called. Obviously the url parameters are not in the correct format, but I can't figure out why.


Am I making any obvious mistakes here that would cause the parameters of my ContactFormPost method to always be null?

like image 533
Scott Avatar asked Feb 20 '11 04:02


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3 Answers

Unquote postData, pass $.ajax a real JS object.

var postData = {
    name: $("#Name").val(),
    email: $("#Email").val(),
    message: $("#Message").val()
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Trinidad Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 11:10


Trinidad is correct about unquoting the object. You only need to do that with ASP.NET AJAX services, which expect the data to come in as a JSON string.

Another issue is that your return statement needs to explicitly allow the GET verb since you're trying to use it:

return Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
like image 29
Dave Ward Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 11:10

Dave Ward

Trinidad is right, but if you must post JSON, then use the POST method, not GET.

like image 35
Michael Lorton Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 12:10

Michael Lorton