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Simple way to read and write name value text file






I have some class with lots of fields;

public class CrowdedHouse
  public int     value1;
  public float   value2;
  public Guid    value3;
  public string  Value4;

  // some more fields below

My classmust be (de)serialized into simple Windows text file in the following format


What is the most convinient way to do that in .NET? This is a text file and all the values must be fist converted to string. Let's assume I have already converted all data to strings.

UPDATE One option would be pinvoke WritePrivateProfileString/WritePrivateProfileString but these are using the required "[Section]" field that I don't need to use.

like image 332
Captain Comic Avatar asked Sep 23 '10 19:09

Captain Comic

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1 Answers

EDIT: If you have already converted each data value to strings, simply use the method below to serialize it after making a Dictionary of these values:

var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { "value1", "value1value" },
    { "value2", "value2value" },
    // etc

or use dict.Add(string key, string value).

To read the data, simply split each line around the = and store the results as a Dictionary<string, string>:

string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("file.ext");
var dict = lines.Select(l => l.Split('=')).ToDictionary(a => a[0], a => a[1]);

To convert a dictionary to the file, use:

string[] lines = dict.Select(kvp => kvp.Key + "=" + kvp.Value).ToArray();

Note that your NAMEs and VALUEs cannot contain =.

like image 192
Callum Rogers Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 03:10

Callum Rogers