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Jenkins install plugins offline

Installed Jenkins on a Linux server and want to install some plugins manually.

I want to install Blue Ocean and Artifactory.

For both plugins I downloaded the hpi file and tried to install it, but I get a lot of dependency errors.

Do I now have to install those dependencies manually as well? or is there a better way to do this?

I tried to install one of those dependency and that one also had some dependency errors as well :-(

The Linux server is not able to access the internet.



like image 688
Robert van Gangelen Avatar asked Oct 09 '18 09:10

Robert van Gangelen

People also ask

Why Jenkins plugin installation failed?

Failing that, stop Jenkins, delete the /plugins directory and install them from scratch again. If the hpi/jpi package is corrupted, you may need to stop Jenkins, delete the package and the exploded directory inside plugins .

Where can I download Jenkins plugins?

Use https://updates.jenkins-ci.org/download/plugins/. Download it from this central update repository for Jenkins.

1 Answers

Same case here. Our Jenkins is setup in OpenShift which is not allowed to connect to the Internet. Downloading a plugin 1-by-1 is tiresome. Not to mention that each plugins have its own dependencies that needs to be downloaded as well.

Here's what you would do...

  1. Run a Jenkins locally in a machine that can download plugins.
  2. Download and update all the plugins you want using the Update Center.
  3. Go %JENKINS_HOME%/plugins directory. Inside this folder you would see *.jpi. These are your plugins. Its dependencies will be downloaded as well.
  4. Rename it to *.hpi then keep it in some directory.

To test...

  1. In your local Jenkins delete everything in %JENKINS_HOME%/plugins directory then put all *.hpi in this directory.
  2. Restart your local Jenkins.
  3. Verify if the plugins you require are installed and updated.
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Quirino Gervacio Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

Quirino Gervacio