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Is there any Twitter API SDK for Android?

I tried https://github.com/sugree/twitter-android-sdk, but could not get it work....I am not even sure what CALLBACK_URI should I set to....I am working on a native android APP so very confused here.

I have used Facebook sdk and was able to update my status from my app successfully...now I try to do the same with twitter...why twitter does not even release an Android SDK ?

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haijin Avatar asked Dec 31 '10 17:12


People also ask

Does Twitter have an SDK?

Twitter Kit is our open source iOS, Android, and Unity SDK for displaying Tweets, authorizing Twitter users, and working with the Twitter API. Twitter Kit makes it easy to pull engaging Twitter content into your apps. In December, we open sourced this SDK, to allow developers to build upon and contribute.

Is Twitter API a REST API?

Technically, no, it's not RESTful.

2 Answers

Far and away the best Twitter API for Android is Twitter4J.

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Chris Stewart Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Chris Stewart

Twitter just release a bunch of new tools/sdk called Fabric.

There is official Android SDK called Twitter Kit which supports both Android and iOS.

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Ye Lin Aung Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

Ye Lin Aung