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Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 - Exporting APK [duplicate]




I want to export an apk for the project but each time i export i got an error saying Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1. I faced this error before while working on same project and when i get it I go to the project folder and delete jars from folder classes inside folder bin but in Exporting APK It doesn't work Can anyone help me ?

like image 237
Mohamed Naguib Avatar asked Aug 09 '12 12:08

Mohamed Naguib

1 Answers

Generally my experience with 'Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1' is that you need to do a project clean (if you use eclipse them from menu Project -> Clean ... ) this usually fixes the problem. Also right click on the project you want to export then Properties -> Android Tools -> Fix Project properties.

If this doesn't help you then with terminal go to the project path

cd /home/username/your_project_path


rm -fr bin/*

Note: you may need to restart eclipse or at least select the project and refresh it (F5).

Hope this will help you, if still doesn't , please let me know

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Lukap Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10
