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How to preview R.drawable.* images




Android framework has variety of icons and images - accessible as R.drawable.* - that can be used by applications for common tasks. Their names give some hint about what they are, but in many cases that's not sufficient. One has to use trial-n-error to find the right icon that fits one's purpose.

My question: Is there a way where I can preview all these images in one place, so that I can quickly decide which ones to use?

I have looked inside android source code, but couldn't locate the root of these drawables.

Let me know if any of you have any tips. Thanks.

like image 706
Jayesh Avatar asked Dec 15 '09 04:12


1 Answers

Thanks Corey, that's pretty much what I was looking for. Meanwhile though, I cooked a small app to preview all the drawables. It's a small app which uses reflection to list all the drawables (image preview and their names) as shown in this screen shot.

alt text

It's basically following code snippet:

public class DrawablePreviewActivity extends ListActivity
    private static final String TAG = "DrawablePreviewActivity";

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

        setTitle("Preview of android.R.drawable.*");

        try {
            Class RClass = Class.forName("android.R");

            Class[] subclasses = RClass.getDeclaredClasses();

            Class RDrawable = null;

            for(Class subclass : subclasses) {
                if("android.R.drawable".equals(subclass.getCanonicalName())) {
                    RDrawable = subclass;

            List<Map<String, Object>> drinfo = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();

            Field[] drawables = RDrawable.getFields();
            for(Field dr : drawables) {
                Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                Drawable img = getResources().getDrawable(dr.getInt(null));

                map.put("drimg", dr.getInt(null));
                map.put("drname", dr.getName());


            setListAdapter(new SimpleAdapter(this,
                            new String[] { "drimg", "drname" },
                            new int[] { R.id.drimg, R.id.drname }));

        } catch(IllegalAccessException iae) {
            Log.e(TAG, iae.toString());
        } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
            Log.e(TAG, cnfe.toString());

You can also get a source tarball from http://www.altcanvas.com/downloads/drawablepreview.tar.gz

or apk from http://www.altcanvas.com/downloads/apks/drawablepreview.apk

like image 120
Jayesh Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
