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Is there a wizard control in WPF? [closed]




Are there any wizard type controls in WPF? I need functionality where I can go forward and back and use tabs to select a particular item which will show the details of the nested items. I can use the TabControl control but the tab items are dynamic so I cannot nest the region inside the tab item.

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azamsharp Avatar asked Nov 13 '08 15:11


People also ask

How can I access a control in WPF from another class or window?

Access of the controls from within the same assembly is hence allowed. If you want to access a control on a wpf form from another assembly you have to use the modifier attribute x:FieldModifier="public" or use the method proposed by Jean.

2 Answers

WPF has a navigation infrastructure built in:

WPF Navigation Overview

Also check out the wizard sample

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Pop Catalin Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09

Pop Catalin

Another simple way I have used for a basic Wizard is to use multiple Grids and change the Visibility properties when the buttons are clicked, using an int to keep track of the 'step number'

    <Grid Name="Page1">         <TextBlock>Page 1</TextBlock>     </Grid>      <Grid Name="Page2" Visibility="Hidden">         <TextBlock>Page 2</TextBlock>     </Grid> 
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MattP Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
