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Cannot see _ (underscore) in WPF content




A very simple question:

Why I cant see _ (underscore) in WPF content?

For instance the content of

<Label Content="test_t" Name="label2"  />

is shown as "testt" (with the underscore not shown).

like image 404
AliRezza Avatar asked Oct 22 '11 18:10


3 Answers

Labels support mnemonics (i.e. you can use ctrl+(key) to give them focus). You define the mnemonic key using an underscore.


If you want to see underscores, replace single underscores with double underscores.

like image 103
Tim Lloyd Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 15:10

Tim Lloyd

This is because Label supports defining a mnemonic based on its content, which is done by prefixing the mnemonic with an underscore (the same thing that happens in Windows Forms with &).

Use a double underscore if you want a literal one to appear:

<Label Content="test__t" Name="label2"  />
like image 28
Jon Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 14:10


I know im late to the party but I believe that if you don't have the Label associated to a TextBox than you should use a TextBlock instead.

Changing your control to a TextBlock solves this issue since only Label has the mnemonic support

like image 6
Fredrik Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 14:10
