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Is there a way to list all the default normal, visual and insert mode bindings in vim?




When you use the :map command without any parameters, it seems that it only lists custom and plugin bindings. Is there a way to view ALL bindings? It would be nice to know if a custom binding would conflict with one of the defaults.

Alternatively, is there a decent online reference?

like image 805
Davorian Avatar asked Jan 24 '11 04:01


People also ask

How do I go to vim normal mode?

Normal Mode By default, Vim starts in “normal” mode. Normal mode can be accessed from other modes by pressing Esc or <C-[> .

What are the three modes of vim?

In Vim, there are three modes of operation: Normal, Insert, and Visual.

How many modes are there in vim?

vim has two "modes": COMMAND mode and INSERT mode. In COMMAND mode, you execute commands (like undo, redo, find and replace, quit, etc.). In INSERT mode, you type text. There is a third mode, VISUAL mode, that is used to highlight and edit text in bulk.

1 Answers

There is a list of all of the standard key bindings that you can get by typing :help index. Those are in addition to the custom ones printed out by :map.

like image 177
Jeremiah Willcock Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Jeremiah Willcock