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vim path var, excluding dirs from ** matching



One of my favorite vim features is the ability to do

set path=/my/project/root/**

and then use

:find SomeClassFile.java

Only problem is, I've got some generated directories at that level that I cannot move and wish to exclude from such searches. I can't seem to figure out how to exclude those dirs. Anyone know how/if this can be done?

like image 383
davetron5000 Avatar asked Dec 17 '08 19:12


1 Answers

I'm pretty sure you can't exclude things from a "**" search. Instead, you could specify all the subdirectories below that one that don't include generated code, like

set path=/my/project/root/src/**,/my/project/root/com/**,/my/project/root/foo/**
like image 102
Paul Tomblin Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10

Paul Tomblin